We’re a strong, hard working team who treats our clients professionally, yet personally like friends. For us, there’s nothing more rewarding than sharing with clients our 25 years’ experience in labour hire and recruitment, across building and construction, to deliver the right people for the job and achieve project outcomes beyond their expectations.
Exceptional people deliver exceptional results. That’s what you’ll experience at Advanced Group. We just love what we do. And it shows
we’re committed to delivering that service at a price you can afford
Managing Directors
Our Directors come from an Electrical Engineering background and together have over 40 years extensive experience in the construction industry. They have played an integral role both in the establishment and growth of Advanced Group since it was founded in 2010. Highly regarded as effective leaders, they are committed to working with the team to ensure that an unsurpassed level of service is provided to all clients.
Senior Management
Our senior management team has a wealth of industry experience and capabilities. Together they are responsible for developing and implementing the strategy which delivers the high level of service to our clients. The strength of the senior leadership team is regularly reviewed to ensure we have the right mix of skills to meet our objectives.
Account Managers
You’ll get to know our Account managers extremely well. They’re your central contact point and go-to people once your project begins. Having both industry and trade experience, they communicate well with our workforce and your teams, because they’ve worked on site, too. They know the issues and challenges that typically arise, and the type of people you need to deliver outstanding results, on time and to budget. Our Account managers check that our workers arrive on site every day and regularly monitor their performance to ensure the service you receive is exceptional
Finance and Accounts Team
Our Finance and accounts team is the backbone of our business, keeping it running like a well-oiled machine. With strong backgrounds in customer service, a passion for technology and attention to detail, they make sure our workers are paid on time, and that we deliver our invoices to you simply, accurately and on time every week
Sales Representatives
Our sales representatives are your first point of contact. With a strong background in construction, the team brings a genuine understanding of the challenges and issues you face in sourcing the right candidates for a project. Once your project begins they will continue to keep in contact with you, attending our annual review meeting with your Advanced Group labour manager to ensure you continued satisfaction with our service.
Recruitment Consultants
Our Advanced Group labour recruitment consultants have been sourcing and selecting skilled construction workers for the majority of their careers in agency and in-house positions. Their expertise and wide candidate network enables us to deliver the best solution for your workforce needs. They work as a tight team with our sales representatives so they are fully briefed on your business and project needs, and are able to deliver the right person for the job, every time.
HSEQ Manager
Our HSEQ manager is responsible for our staff’s wellbeing and for ensuring that we maintain our reputation as a safety-focus employer. She oversaw the upgrade and implementation of our management system in line with Australian standards for quality, environmental and health and safety management. When she’s not arranging safety training, or discussing site safety with our labour managers, our workplace health and safety manager will be conducting regular internal audits to maintain and enhance our safety protocol, and arranging bi-annual audits by a third party to ensure we maintain our high safety standards.
Our pool of skilled tradespeople and construction workers
Our skilled and hardworking labourers and construction workers have a passion for construction, living and breathing the career path they have chosen. They are our most valuable assets. Their dedication and enthusiasm to do a great job helps us deliver on our promises to you. So, in return we treat them exceptionally well and are rewarded with loyalty, trust and respect. So call us today on 1300 299 818 to meet our team and discuss your upcoming labour needs.

Continual improvement is our goal
Our integrated management system is audited every six months by a third party against the following standards:
ISO: 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems To improve customer satisfaction, increase management effectiveness; identify our clients’ requirements; effectively develop and document operational procedures, as well as implement and update core quality procedures.
ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems To help us identify and manage environmental impacts, track our environmental performance against defined objectives and targets, prevent pollution, to ensure we comply with the expectations of our clients and the community, and to ensure continual process improvement, review and compliance with relevant environmental legislation.
AS/NZS 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems To ensure we comply with OH&S policies and procedures, to help us identify and assess workplace related hazards and their associated risks, to develop emergency preparedness and incident investigations, to ensure that we conduct effective OH&S performance reporting and regular OH&S audits, and that we comply with relevant OH&S legal requirements.
This helps us to achieve our goal of continual improvement in systems, service quality and performance. To source skilled labourers and construction workers, at short notice, and at a price you can afford call 02 8086 3444 or email: admin@advancedgroupservices.com.au